Tuesday, June 26, 2012


The only supplement that I regularly took in the past year was Centrum's multi-vitamin.  As I'm getting more serious again, I loaded up on Optimum Nutrition's multi-vitamins, fish oil, amino acid energy - grape, and gold standard whey - double rich chocolate.

I love my burpees!  I died today.  If you want an intense workout, try to do a 100 as fast as you can.  It's not as easy as it looks.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What's the best workout?

What's the best workout?  It's a workout that you'll continue to do for the rest of your lives, whether it be  gardening, cycling, weight lifting, etc.  Changes are made and visible in the long-run, not in a few days or weeks.  So find something that you can stick to and that you enjoy doing.

It is possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time

One study from California State University tracked a group of healthy men for eight weeks. The men ate a lot of food--over 4000 calories a day--and did weight training four days a week for 60-90 minutes. The men gained an average of six pounds of muscle, but also gained ½ pound of fat. In another study, men also trained with weights several times a week, but this time, they ate just a little over 2000 calories a day. This group gained 2.5 pounds of muscle and lost over 7 pounds of fat.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Current Chest/Tris/Abs Day Regimen

Chest/Tris/Abs Day
- 2 minutes of dynamic stretching
- 45 dips
- 1 set/12 reps bench press at 135 lbs

Regular Chest Press
- 3 sets/6-12 reps (Bar: 205lbs or Dumbbells: 75lbs)

Incline Chest Press
- 3 sets/6-12 reps (Bar: 155lbs or Dumbbells: 55lbs)

Incline Flies
- 4 sets/10-12 reps (Machine: 30lbs or Dumbbells: 35lbs)

Standing One-Arm Extension
- 3 sets/10-12 reps (Dumbbells: 25lbs)

Tricep Dumbbells Kickback - one of my favorites
- 3 sets/12-15 reps (Dumbbells: 15lbs)

Cable One-arm Tricep Extension
- 3 sets/12-15 reps (Machine:  40lbs)

- 3 sets/10-30 reps

Decline Weighted Sit-ups
- 6 sets/10-30 reps (Barbell Weights:  45lbs)

Kneeling Rope Crunch
- 2 sets/15-20 reps (Cable Machine: 150lbs)
- 2 sets/10-15 reps (Cable Machine: 150lbs) followed by two burnout sets/10-20 reps (100lbs)

Weighted Angled Incline Ab Crunch - to target the lateral sides of the abs and obliques
- 4 sets/15 reps each side (Barbell Weights: 35lbs)

I finish off each work-out with a 10 min HIIT cardio session on the stair master or the treadmill.  I've fallen in love with the stair master...
Sprint for 2 mins, easy for 2.5 mins, sprint for 1 min, easy for 2.5 mins, sprint for .5 mins, and easy for 1.5 mins.
"Instead of working hard to get a chestpiece in a video game, work hard to get a new chestpiece in real life" ZYZZ

Catching up...

2005 - 130 lbs

2006 - 145 lbs
2007 - 163 lbs 

June 2012 - 153 lbs

After 2007, I focused more on plyometrics and HIIT to develop a more ideal physique for basketball.  Unfortunately, I've gotten softer as my diet's gone out the window.  Need to cut back on the beers, eat healthier, and lift heavier again.  Game on brothers!
Created this blog to document my progress and to motivate others to join me in the beast mode lifestyle.